Exams Information
Trial Exams 2025
Please find below an attachment to the student timetable for the core trial exams for February/March, along with a letter.
Summer 2024 Exam Timetables:
The following is a summary of some useful exam information for candidates to read but please note this does not include all of the exam boards' rules and regulations. To understand these in full, candidates must read all of the documents (via the links below), prior to sitting any examinations or completing any coursework.
Candidates MUST have the following equipment for every exam:
- Several black ballpoint pens (not gel pens)
- Scientific Calculator (though not permitted in some exams)
- Pencil, eraser (wrapper removed) and ruler
- Any other equipment specifically required for an exam, such as protractor, compass, highlighter pens etc.
Candidates MUST NOT bring into the exam room mobile phones, any other internet enabled device, headphones or watches of any kind but secure them in their locker or elsewhere in the school.
Any water bottle or pencil case brought to an exam must be clear/transparent and must not have any writing on it.
All cases of Special Consideration must be forwarded to the Examinations Officer within 7 days of the last exam in any exam season.
Ofqual Publications:
There are two documents published by Ofqual that they recommend students read. 'Coping with exam pressure' and 'A student checklist' can be found by clicking on these links:
Exam Contingency Days:
Exam boards set contingency dates each year just in case a scheduled exam is moved to another day, due to an unforeseen national or local disruption.
This year, the dates are:
- Thursday 6th June 2024 – PM only
- Thursday 13th June 2024 – PM Only
- Wednesday 26th June 2024 – all day
Candidates must remain available on these dates should the exam board invoke their contingency plan. Exams can be moved for many reasons, so it is very important that you look for messages from your Examinations Officer, prior to and during the exam season. Exam boards make the final decision with regards to whether special consideration is granted if a candidate is absent from an exam on a contingency day, so it is very important that candidates make every effort to remain available on these days.
Results Days 2024:
- A level/EPQ/AS - results are published on 15th August 2024
- GCSE or equivalent - results are published on 22nd August 2024
Certificates will be available at the end of November each year.
Please ensure you read ALL of the JCQ documents, which are accessible via the links below (the latest JCQ Privacy document and AQA MFL documents will be re-published once available from JCQ and AQA).