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KS4 Options

Year 9 are now going through their options process for their KS4 courses. This is a vital moment for students. It is an opportunity for them to reflect on what they want their future to be like and take ownership of their studies. We should never underestimate the importance of this process. It is about them learning that their choices have consequences; the subjects that they choose will define their experience over the next two years. There is no opportunity to change their minds halfway through.

So how can we help your daughters and sons make the most of this process? Firstly, they need to dream big. This is an opportunity for parents and carers to engage in a discussion about what each child wants to be. That is not just about careers, it is more fundamental than that. This choice is about the person we wish to become as much as about the career we think we may choose.

So whilst we ask them to dream big, we also ask them to step small, to ensure that they undertake subjects that will challenge them, that they will enjoy and that will allow them to achieve their maximum potential.

The detailed course booklet and form is available via the link below.

There is then a link to a page of links for our 'Virtual Options Evening'. These have been emailed to parents/carers and students via email too.

Rest assured that your son/daughter will be well-supported through the process by their tutor and subject staff. We have been through this many times and are aware of where the pitfalls are and how to make good decisions. We know that you will support and challenge them and ensure that they understand the importance of the decisions they make.

Fred Mitchell
Deputy Headteacher

Please click here to view our KS4 Options Booklet 2023 - 2024.

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Mr Mitchell’s Introduction Introduction from Mr Mitchell
Link to Options’ Booklet and Options’ Form on the Dene Magna Website See the links at the bottom of the webpage
Art and Design Art and Design
Business Studies Business Studies GCSE 
Events (IVQ) Events 
Child Development Child Development
Computer Science Computing Options
Cambridge National in Information Technologies Computing Options
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Hospitality & Catering Hospitality & Catering
French French
Spanish Spanish
Geography Geography
History History
Religious Studies Religious Studies
Music Music
D&T Timber D&T Timber
D&T Paper and Board D&T Paper and Board
D&T Textiles D&T Textiles
College Courses College Courses