Our intent across KS3, 4 and 5 is to deliver a high-standard curriculum focusing on consistency of delivery in order to safeguard our students. We aim to expose and educate our students about the wider world whilst incorporating topics of significance to our school. We will do this by recognising the rural setting of our school and facilitating opportunities for students to learn about matters that may not seem as relevant to them at this time but could be in the future. RSHE at Dene Magna is based on the GHLL curriculum and will be flexible by reacting to events in our school and the local community. We intend to foster pupil wellbeing and enable students to develop resilience that we know is fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society, especially in reaction to COVID-19 and the impact this has had on student well-being. We are teaching about mental well-being and prioritise it as a theme throughout various topics covered in this curriculum.
RSHE at Dene Magna is implemented in twice-weekly RSHE lessons during RFL. We have taken a collaborative approach in that tutor's design a lesson per half-term and share it with the other tutors in the year group. This is to enable consistency for pupils. All tutors adapt the lessons for their tutor group. There is flexibility in the RSHE scheme of work for tutors to deliver one-off topics to address topics of significance to our school. RSHE mornings will react to Student Voice on topics they feel need addressing.
Student understanding will be assessed through RAG progress trackers completed by tutors at the end of each lesson. Each tutor group has their own progress record folder containing individual student plenary responses. The tutor will react to the evaluation results and use the next RSHE lesson to further pupils’ understanding. The results of the tutor evaluations alongside a termly evaluation of the themes ‘Healthy Living’, ‘Living in the Wider World’ and ‘Healthy relationships’ will also inform next year's curriculum. The RSHE report will also involve feedback from parents/carers and the local community. RSHE coordinators complete learning walks to provide feedback on the delivery of RSHE and support staff when required.