Teaching and Learning
Dene Magna’s Teaching & Learning policy has developed to reflect changes in pedagogical research and evidence. The policy is a one page document that is focused on teaching and planning great lessons, and most importantly providing students with feedback that they can act upon and progress their learning. All lessons begin with a WALT (We Are Learning To), WILF (What I’m Looking For) and a Why? (Why are we learning this today?). Evidence has shown that the best way to ensure that knowledge is retained in the long-term memory is to begin the lesson with a retrieval activity. This forces students to recall previous learnt knowledge. Teachers will then model the skills required and consistently use high quality questioning to engage and motivate students, thus ensuring that progress is made.
Staff at Dene Magna have a commitment to be at the forefront of their subject knowledge. Each department has a subject knowledge specific meeting once per term. Teachers are encouraged to become exam markers and share their knowledge with the rest of the department. Staff understand that the school's leading aim applies to them, everyone is a learner and everyone has a responsibility to be the best that they can be.
The Reflective Practitioner Programme has been completely revamped to include bespoke opportunities for staff to grow and develop. Toolbox sessions are now recorded and are accessed via QR codes that allows staff the flexibility to access training in their own time. Every member of staff attends a talent pathway session, each session has a different focus depending upon which stage of their career they are at. Finally, two members of staff are coached by the Assistant Heads for Teaching & Learning on a termly basis, this is known as Just Teaching.