Uniform Rules
Please see below for some of the expectations we have at Dene Magna...
Everyday uniform
Trousers: Plain black formal suit trousers which are not tight-fitting.
Skirt: Black Pleated Skirt.
Shirt/blouse: white, buttoned to the neck.
Shoes: Black (polishable). No canvas, trainers, high heels or backless shoes.
Socks: Black socks.
Tie: Dark blue with blue, silver and gold stripes. The top button of the shirt is to be done up with a tie to be pulled up to the top button.
Tights: Black (winter) or flesh-coloured (summer).
Jumper: The Dene Magna school jumper is navy blue and has the house colour piped in the V-neck. There is an integral badge. No hooded sweatshirts [hoodies] are permitted [except in June Y11 – leavers’ hoodies may be worn].
Coats: Should be waterproof and dark.
No extremes of colour (only one natural colour.)
All hair that is longer than shoulder-length should be fully tied up and out of the student's face.
Hair should be a natural colour and not classed as an extreme hairstyle.
Tramlines, very short hair or unnatural colours
are all deemed extreme and therefore are not appropriate for school.
Long nails present a health and safety issue in subjects such as PE and technology, therefore all fingernails must be short and natural in colour.
One plain stud in the ear lobe. No other jewellery is allowed.
Any other facial piercings are expected to be removed during school hours, and therefore we do not allow the use of clear studs for inappropriate piercings.
Charity Bands: Students may wear one charity wristband.
Lockers and Phones
Students bring mobile phones at their own risk. All students are expected to place valuables including cash, mobile phones and jewellery in their personal locker. Items will be confiscated if they are seen in school. On the first instance a Formal Friday detention will be set and the parent/carer will be expected to collect the phone. Students and parents/carers should only contact each other via Reception – 01594 542370.