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Virtual Tour

Here is a video for you to watch.  Click this icon at the
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to view it full screen:


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Key things to remember from this video:

  • Students come to our Sixth Form from a number of schools (or home schooling)
  • You can access our site easily by a number of transport methods
  • You will have an ID badge that gives you access to the building and also to sign in/out
  • On site you will be able to access catering facilities, a coffee shop and vending machines
  • Our stunning lakeside location can be enjoyed with large windows, an outside terrace and a balcony off the library
  • Our 'touchdown' area is used for assemblies and for gathering with friends during break and lunch
  • The second floor houses the main office, the teaching rooms and labs
  • Each morning starts with tutor time
  • We have a library, a study area and a silent study room

Once you're done, click 'back' to get back to the main list of activities.